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Esotera is a collection of post-apocalyptic science fiction stories set around 2087 after a devastating solar flare pushes Human society to collapse, sparks war, and leaves them to survive using technological remants, despite collective ignorance, as they try to rebuild and find a future to hope for.

2043. History's most devastating solar flare struck the Earth, destroying the infrastructure that our technological society relied upon. Our losses were great. Several generations grew without access to knowledge that once was considered rudimentary. Education comes at a premium.

Those that remained in the metros struggled to survive and find hope as chaos swept the world. Those that lived a life of self-sufficiency were spared starvation, but suffered the predation of the lawless. Still, despite all this, Humanity pressed on.

2087. We have managed to piece together a semblance of society, however delicate it may be. Out of necessity, and because of the solar pollution of Earth, we found new uses for the technology littering our world, and coalitions have rebooted manufacturing in an effort to jump-start industry. Thanks to renewed space efforts prior to the Flare, asteroid mining and manned space travel are standard.

The pending establishment of Humanity's first extra-solar colony, ESOTERA, shapes our future and provides a source of hope, however foolhardy it may be.

As Humanity tries to rebuild and recover what it's lost, and explores where no Human has set foot before, what will become of us?



In the year 2087, a life-hardened scavenger (Vik) follows the GPS coordinates in an old journal from before the Flare, seeking what he believes to be a lost secret that will change his life forever.

Jacob Fullson, a scavenger and occasional gun-for-hire, shambles through the Salt Wastes, the unrelenting sun punishing him with its fiery glow. Jacob's profession takes him to places others dare not go.

He presses on, eager to return the day's tech score; hard-to-find, highly valuable electronics. Jacob is riding a dangerous edge, and a mad thirst is beginning to rear its ugly head.